Happy Birthday Rosa Parks

Happy Birthday to Ms. Rosa Parks, an icon who claimed her space and made history for all of us. She would have been 108 today. 65 years ago, Rosa Parks literally claimed her space in a public bus. What started with a simple “Nah” turned into a major step towards equal rights and equal spaces for all Americans.
Equal Entrance stemmed from the idea of equal spaces for women and we can’t help but honor Rosa Parks as a powerful symbol of equality in the face of flat out racism and sheer injustice. But to say that the work to bring about equality and justice is done is a fallacy.
65 years later, the struggle against inequality and injustice rages on. Police brutality against George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other African Americans stares us dead in the eye. It is time to come together as one community and be part of the much needed healing process—and we do that by upholding justice.
Thank you, Ms Parks, by sitting down you took a stand and elevated the lives of millions. Thank you for having the courage to do the right thing in the face of cruelty and injustice. Thank you Rosa Parks for causing “Good Trouble.” Thank you Rosa, for #ClaimingYourSpace and Happy Birthday.